Hall of friends

Friend of the week

by @amorben

Ana (the nanothings' girl)

Ana (the nanothings' girl)

Occupation: Researcher

From: Granada

Fluent: Spanish, Italian

Learning: English, French

Something else…: She’s so bright and nice you’d never say she’s a scientist, she’s so humble and sunny you’d never say she’s a nanoscientist… and has such a brain… other than a big heart!

She has started coming to our events to practice languages and she has received an extra personal award: love…


Thanks for being #oneofus

Pratiwi (our Indonesian smile) Occupation: IAAD Student – From: Bekasi – Fluent: English, Indonesian, German, – Learning: Italian,

Paolo (the Area Cafè’s owner) – Occupation: Bar owner, barman, darts team leader – From: Torino – Fluent: Italian, – Learning: English

Christian (Jennings nr 7)
Occupation: Journalist, war correspondent, author of non-fiction books
From: England, UK
Fluent: English, Very Brithish English
Learning: Italian, Spanish

Fahmi (the sweetest guy)

Occupation: Social Educator ; Studying Master degree in Artificial intelligence
From: born in Sousse and raised in Kairouan, Tunisia
Fluent: Arabic, English
Learning: Italian, French

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Do you want to be on our wall?

12 + 15 =

Hall of friends

Friend of the week

by @amorben

Ferdy (the flyingsoul)

Ferdy (the flyingsoul)

Occupation: Vlogger, Translator, Freelance tour agent

From: Turin

Fluent: Italian, English

Learning: Russian

Something else…: He’s always been in love with Russia, the language, the people, the culture… Since I know him (about ten years now) he’s being feeling different and out of place.

But Russia saved him, he has planned to go there for years, and now that he’s there… when he comes back to Italy it’s always a pleasure to exchange some news at one of our events.


Thanks for being #oneofus

Pratiwi (our Indonesian smile) Occupation: IAAD Student – From: Bekasi – Fluent: English, Indonesian, German, – Learning: Italian,

Paolo (the Area Cafè’s owner) – Occupation: Bar owner, barman, darts team leader – From: Torino – Fluent: Italian, – Learning: English

Christian (Jennings nr 7)
Occupation: Journalist, war correspondent, author of non-fiction books
From: England, UK
Fluent: English, Very Brithish English
Learning: Italian, Spanish

Fahmi (the sweetest guy)

Occupation: Social Educator ; Studying Master degree in Artificial intelligence
From: born in Sousse and raised in Kairouan, Tunisia
Fluent: Arabic, English
Learning: Italian, French

Are you one of us?

Do you want to be on our wall?

7 + 5 =

Hall of friends

Friend of the week

by @amorben

Dario (the Vlogger)

Dario (the Vlogger)

Occupation: Videomaker

From: Turin

Fluent: Italian, English, Spanish

Learning: French

Something else…: He’s always been an active member, enjoying our events and helping us sharing our project…

He’s been an ambassador of coollanguages even without a formal nomination, and helped us sometimes with the pics when he’s not travelling.

Thanks for being #oneofus

Pratiwi (our Indonesian smile) Occupation: IAAD Student – From: Bekasi – Fluent: English, Indonesian, German, – Learning: Italian,

Paolo (the Area Cafè’s owner) – Occupation: Bar owner, barman, darts team leader – From: Torino – Fluent: Italian, – Learning: English

Christian (Jennings nr 7)
Occupation: Journalist, war correspondent, author of non-fiction books
From: England, UK
Fluent: English, Very Brithish English
Learning: Italian, Spanish

Fahmi (the sweetest guy)

Occupation: Social Educator ; Studying Master degree in Artificial intelligence
From: born in Sousse and raised in Kairouan, Tunisia
Fluent: Arabic, English
Learning: Italian, French

Are you one of us?

Do you want to be on our wall?

12 + 1 =

Hall of friends

Friend of the week

by @amorben

Ginny (the Rock Girl)

Ginny (the Rock Girl)

Occupation: Translator

From: Turin

Fluent: Italian, English

Learning: French

Something else…: She’s so sweet as shy, sometimes help us with the pictures of the events, and plays the guitar in a Rock Band…

She’s one of the nicest girls you can meet in our tribe, and smiles with the eyes, if you know what I mean…

Thanks for being #oneofus

Pratiwi (our Indonesian smile) Occupation: IAAD Student – From: Bekasi – Fluent: English, Indonesian, German, – Learning: Italian,

Paolo (the Area Cafè’s owner) – Occupation: Bar owner, barman, darts team leader – From: Torino – Fluent: Italian, – Learning: English

Christian (Jennings nr 7)
Occupation: Journalist, war correspondent, author of non-fiction books
From: England, UK
Fluent: English, Very Brithish English
Learning: Italian, Spanish

Fahmi (the sweetest guy)

Occupation: Social Educator ; Studying Master degree in Artificial intelligence
From: born in Sousse and raised in Kairouan, Tunisia
Fluent: Arabic, English
Learning: Italian, French

Are you one of us?

Do you want to be on our wall?

14 + 13 =

Hall of friends

Friend of the week

by @amorben

Massimo Masone (the master photografer)

Massimo Masone (the master photografer)

Occupation: Fontographer and journalist

From: Turin

Fluent: Italian

Learning: English

Something else…: One very nice person we have known some years ago, at our apelinguistico, a good friend that has made our best pics and a great observer, always willing to help us to spread the word about our project.

Thanks for being #oneofus

Pratiwi (our Indonesian smile) Occupation: IAAD Student – From: Bekasi – Fluent: English, Indonesian, German, – Learning: Italian,

Paolo (the Area Cafè’s owner) – Occupation: Bar owner, barman, darts team leader – From: Torino – Fluent: Italian, – Learning: English

Christian (Jennings nr 7)
Occupation: Journalist, war correspondent, author of non-fiction books
From: England, UK
Fluent: English, Very Brithish English
Learning: Italian, Spanish

Fahmi (the sweetest guy)

Occupation: Social Educator ; Studying Master degree in Artificial intelligence
From: born in Sousse and raised in Kairouan, Tunisia
Fluent: Arabic, English
Learning: Italian, French

Are you one of us?

Do you want to be on our wall?

9 + 8 =

Hall of friends

Friend of the week

by @amorben

Marco (the coolest barman)

Marco (the coolest barman)


Occupation: Barman…

From: Turin

Fluent: Italian.

Learning: English.

Something else… we met him by chance, but I think it’s impossible not to fall in love with his smile, his charm, his know-how, and his cocktails, the way he mixes and explains.

Now he’s grown up and left us to continue his career… but he’ll always have a dedicated space in our hearts…

Thanks for being #oneofus

Pratiwi (our Indonesian smile) Occupation: IAAD Student – From: Bekasi – Fluent: English, Indonesian, German, – Learning: Italian,

Paolo (the Area Cafè’s owner) – Occupation: Bar owner, barman, darts team leader – From: Torino – Fluent: Italian, – Learning: English

Christian (Jennings nr 7)
Occupation: Journalist, war correspondent, author of non-fiction books
From: England, UK
Fluent: English, Very Brithish English
Learning: Italian, Spanish

Fahmi (the sweetest guy)

Occupation: Social Educator ; Studying Master degree in Artificial intelligence
From: born in Sousse and raised in Kairouan, Tunisia
Fluent: Arabic, English
Learning: Italian, French

Are you one of us?

Do you want to be on our wall?

3 + 15 =

Events every week…

Did you know that...  We are still organizing events every week, we don't share pics anymore because of privacy but you can follow us on facebook                or on                 meet.up        Do you like coollanguages.org? Do you want to collaborate in any...

Torino è internazionale

Did you know that... We are invited to speak about our events at torino giovani ... online ... ... Lunedì 25 Ottobre 2021 ore 16,00 ... See you there if you want to join us through meet  Do you like coollanguages.org? Do you want to collaborate in any way?

zona gialla

Did you know that...We are in a yellow area in Piedmont... ... but pubs are still closed so all our events are cancelled following the directives of the Italian government... See you when the pubs open again or when weather invites us to do picnics  Do you like...

zona arancione

Did you know that...We are in an orange area in Piedmont... ... but pubs are still closed so all our events are cancelled following the directives of the Italian government... See you when the pubs open again or when weather invites us to do picnics  Do you like...

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