Useful resources for language lovers,

webs and apps, free or premium...


really good

simply the best

free | premium

13. Ruzzle. inspired by the classic board games Boggle and Scrabble

The game is highly social and based on online matches, requiring the player to find an opponent who can be appointed randomly by the system from online users, chosen from a list of friends set by the player, or selected from amongst their Facebook friends. In each round, the player has two minutes to form as many words as possible with the sixteen letters available in the 4×4 grid on the screen. The free version is not really a way to learn but you can use it to improve the languages you know, challenging your friends.

Have you checked our list of useful resources lately?
Websites, apps, language lovers’ tips, tricks… check this week’s new one!

Have you checked our list of useful resources lately?
Websites, apps, language lovers’ tips, tricks… check this week’s new one!

Have you checked our list of useful resources lately?
Websites, apps, language lovers’ tips, tricks… check this week’s new one!

Have you checked our list of useful resources lately?
Websites, apps, language lovers’ tips, tricks… check this week’s new one!


really good

simply the best

Do you know other webs or apps?

please, share them with us!

6 + 6 =

Events every week…

Did you know that...  We are still organizing events every week, we don't share pics anymore because of privacy but you can follow us on facebook                or on                 meet.up        Do you like Do you want to collaborate in any...

Torino è internazionale

Did you know that... We are invited to speak about our events at torino giovani ... online ... ... Lunedì 25 Ottobre 2021 ore 16,00 ... See you there if you want to join us through meet  Do you like Do you want to collaborate in any way?

zona gialla

Did you know that...We are in a yellow area in Piedmont... ... but pubs are still closed so all our events are cancelled following the directives of the Italian government... See you when the pubs open again or when weather invites us to do picnics  Do you like...

zona arancione

Did you know that...We are in an orange area in Piedmont... ... but pubs are still closed so all our events are cancelled following the directives of the Italian government... See you when the pubs open again or when weather invites us to do picnics  Do you like...

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