Useful resources for language lovers,
webs and apps, free or premium...
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7. Google Word coach. A fun way to expand your vocabulary right from your search results.
It’s a google feature, only on mobile. It’s a quick game, about sinonyms and opposites. If you don’t know any word, at the end of the five questions’ round you can see the definitions. It has increasing levels, each time you do two perfect rounds you get a card to level up. The main downside is that it doesn’t seem to remember your score. If you close your search and try it again, you go back to 0 and have to level up from the start, so each time you play you start from the beginging.
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Websites, apps, language lovers’ tips, tricks… check this week’s new one!
Have you checked our list of useful resources lately?
Websites, apps, language lovers’ tips, tricks… check this week’s new one!
Have you checked our list of useful resources lately?
Websites, apps, language lovers’ tips, tricks… check this week’s new one!
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